Tokyo Matcha Latte | Nespresso Recipe | Nespresso Egypt
Tokyo Matcha Latte | Nespresso Recipe | Nespresso Egypt

Tokyo Matcha Latte | Nespresso Recipe | Nespresso Egypt

In Japan, balancing ingredients and flavors is an art.

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Here is what you need


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1- World Explorations Tokyo Vivalto Lungo

2- 1.5% Milk 150 ml

3- Honey 15 g

4- Grilled Sesame Seeds 5 g

5- Matcha Powder 2 g



Let's make it!

1- Use the Vivalto Lungo capsule to make a lungo (110ml) in a cup.

2- While making the lungo, froth the milk in a jug using the steam wand of your Nespresso machine or your Aeroccino milk frother (if it's the Aeroccino 4, press the 2nd button on the right).

3- Pour the Matcha hot milk on top and garnish with some grilled sesame seeds

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Tokyo Vivalto Lungo Tokyo Vivalto Lungo 6 Chart - Intensity
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Each sleeve contains 10 coffee capsules

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