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Master Origin Indonesia wet-hulled Arabica is a race against rain. Indonesian farmers wet-hull their coffee because of the humid climate. After removing the fruity outer flesh, the Sumatran coffee beans are left to ferment overnight, then hand washed and sundried for a day. Then they remove the parchment because exposed beans dry faster. The heat and bouts of sunshine dry the beans quickly. The method is unique to them and produces the classic Indonesian coffee taste - velvety thick, wildly aromatic, notes of cured tobacco. Master Origin Indonesia wet-hulled Arabica contains only Fair Trade Indonesian Arabica coffee processed in this unique way. Try Master Origin Indonesia wet-hulled Arabica with a dash of milk - nutty, woody and roasted notes emerge in this intense Master Origin coffee with milk.
This is Ethiopian Arabica at its finest - decadently aromatic. It has an orange blossom aroma, but the rich fruit jam notes come from the sun-dried coffee in Master Origin Ethiopia with dry processed Arabica. Ethiopian farmers have used this method for longer than anyone else. For up to four weeks the sun shines down on the Arabica coffee as the Ethiopian farmers carefully hand-turn it at regular intervals to ensure it dries evenly. Getting it just right means layers of sweetness and ripe fruit flavors seep into the heart of those Ethiopian coffee beans. If you like milk and coffee, try Master Origin Ethiopia with dry processed Arabica with milk froth to make a cappuccino. You’ll find all the delicate floral notes still smoothly dancing through this cup of coffee with milk. All the skill of Ethiopian coffee farming still shines through milk foam.
Master Origin Colombia with Late Harvest uses only high-grown, washed processed Colombian Arabica. Can you taste the lively acidity and the burst of winey red fruit aromas? It comes from those coffee farmers who dared to wait longer before harvesting their crop. Coffee cherry - almost deep purple - hangs heavy on the branches. With each day the fruit sugars seep deeper into the heart of the coffee bean. Knowing when the time is ripe is the farmers’ skill. Master Origin Colombia with Late Harvest contains this lateharvested coffee. Like your coffee with milk? Master Origin Colombia with Late Harvest Arabica makes a delicate and creamy cappuccino. Sweet biscuit notes emerge when this Colombian coffee combines with milk froth.
If "Black Honey" processing were the easy road to a nectarous coffee, they’d all do it. But only a few farmers dare. The farmers remove this Arabica coffee cherry’s fruit flesh but then leave almost all its sticky mucilage still hugging the coffee bean when they spread it in a thin layer to dry. With daily diligence they rake and rotate and mix this incredibly sticky coffee to make sure only good flavors develop. Master Origin Nicaragua with ‘Black-Honey’ processed Arabica contains this coffee. It gives this Nicaraguan Arabica its smooth texture and sweet cereal notes. If you like it with milk froth, Master Origin Nicaragua with ‘Black-Honey’ processed Arabica makes a rich latte macchiato . As a coffee with milk, it’s balanced and has nutty, roasted notes that surface.
Size of cup:
The aim of our Master Origin range was simple – to allow you to discover outstanding examples of coffee craftsmanship from across the world.
So we searched for some of its finest coffee craftsmen. Then we worked with them to refine their crafts, trying new techniques and pushing boundaries.
It took us years to create such perfectly-crafted coffees. Your journey of discovery should be somewhat quicker.
Master Origin Indonesia wet-hulled Arabica is a race against rain. Indonesian farmers wet-hull their coffee because of the humid climate. After removing the fruity outer flesh, the Sumatran coffee beans are left to ferment overnight, then hand washed and sundried for a day. Then they remove the parchment because exposed beans dry faster. The heat and bouts of sunshine dry the beans quickly. The method is unique to them and produces the classic Indonesian coffee taste - velvety thick, wildly aromatic, notes of cured tobacco. Master Origin Indonesia wet-hulled Arabica contains only Fair Trade Indonesian Arabica coffee processed in this unique way. Try Master Origin Indonesia wet-hulled Arabica with a dash of milk - nutty, woody and roasted notes emerge in this intense Master Origin coffee with milk.
This is Ethiopian Arabica at its finest - decadently aromatic. It has an orange blossom aroma, but the rich fruit jam notes come from the sun-dried coffee in Master Origin Ethiopia with dry processed Arabica. Ethiopian farmers have used this method for longer than anyone else. For up to four weeks the sun shines down on the Arabica coffee as the Ethiopian farmers carefully hand-turn it at regular intervals to ensure it dries evenly. Getting it just right means layers of sweetness and ripe fruit flavors seep into the heart of those Ethiopian coffee beans. If you like milk and coffee, try Master Origin Ethiopia with dry processed Arabica with milk froth to make a cappuccino. You’ll find all the delicate floral notes still smoothly dancing through this cup of coffee with milk. All the skill of Ethiopian coffee farming still shines through milk foam.
Master Origin Colombia with Late Harvest uses only high-grown, washed processed Colombian Arabica. Can you taste the lively acidity and the burst of winey red fruit aromas? It comes from those coffee farmers who dared to wait longer before harvesting their crop. Coffee cherry - almost deep purple - hangs heavy on the branches. With each day the fruit sugars seep deeper into the heart of the coffee bean. Knowing when the time is ripe is the farmers’ skill. Master Origin Colombia with Late Harvest contains this lateharvested coffee. Like your coffee with milk? Master Origin Colombia with Late Harvest Arabica makes a delicate and creamy cappuccino. Sweet biscuit notes emerge when this Colombian coffee combines with milk froth.
If "Black Honey" processing were the easy road to a nectarous coffee, they’d all do it. But only a few farmers dare. The farmers remove this Arabica coffee cherry’s fruit flesh but then leave almost all its sticky mucilage still hugging the coffee bean when they spread it in a thin layer to dry. With daily diligence they rake and rotate and mix this incredibly sticky coffee to make sure only good flavors develop. Master Origin Nicaragua with ‘Black-Honey’ processed Arabica contains this coffee. It gives this Nicaraguan Arabica its smooth texture and sweet cereal notes. If you like it with milk froth, Master Origin Nicaragua with ‘Black-Honey’ processed Arabica makes a rich latte macchiato . As a coffee with milk, it’s balanced and has nutty, roasted notes that surface.
We're proud to introduce our range of five new coffees from around the world, each with its own distinct taste and aroma.
Intensity 4
Sweet & Light
Sweet & Light - Intensity 4
Sweet & Light
The arabica coffees from Brazil and Colombia that go into this blend give the golden Nespresso pod a true sense of harmony. The farmers form part of the original AAA Program troupe and meticulously care for their coffee and their environment. A naturally-processed Brazilian coffee gives Volluto a balanced profile. The rest of Volluto’s composition consists of an arabica from Colombia’s mid-range mountains. Discover a full story here.